The nature reserve Hesselberg with its 689m ist Mittelfrankens highest point giving people a great offer, if you like it high above. Get impressing 3D panoramic
views and much more information about hiking and events here:
Naturschutzgebiet Hesselberg
You can reach the “Fraenkische Seenland” (a great place with many little lakes) within 1 hour of driving time:
Fränkisches Seenland
The Woernitzbad is one of the last natural river bathing areas in Bavaria offering a beautiful view directly in front of Dinkelsbuehl historic city:
Take a ride with our museum train, which will let you travel back in time on romantic rails:
Segringer Staße 8
91550 Dinkelsbühl
Restaurant times:
Mondayy to Sunday
11:30 am to 10 pm
Our kitchen is open until 9 pm.
Reception hours:
7 am to 9 pm