Enjoy your great day with us

No matter if it's birthday, anniversary, family party or the big wedding - we will do the job and handle all the details for you in order to make your party something to remember.
We'll give you advice in choosing the right foods and drinks and for the decoration. Beside a professional organisation and outstanding service, individual made decoration will make your celebration to a great cause.
Our restaurant - a perfect place für your party or business event. Piazza offers the perfect conditions for all of these.
According to our motto "Hospitality with heart and fantasy" we will plan your order of events. We are flexible in room layout - from 10 to 100 people.

We would like to invite you to:
-talk about the order of events
-choose the right meals
-find perfect decorations
-planning all kinds of acts
-show you our premises
-planning the room layout



Segringer Staße 8

91550 Dinkelsbühl


Opening hours

Restaurant times:
Mondayy to Sunday
11:30 am to 10 pm
Our kitchen is open until 9 pm.

Reception hours:
7 am to 9 pm

Piazza | Segringer Straße 8 | 91550 Dinkelsbühl | Restaurant 09851 899 88-15 | Hotel 09851 899 88-16 | info@piazza-dinkelsbuehl.de